Analysis of the Hitomi Perseus data =================================== The XRISM analysis software is not yet public at the time of the school. However, the Perseus observations of Hitomi and the Hitomi software are accessible to everyone. They provide a good example of what a typical data analysis thread with XRISM will look like. In this hands-on session, we will analyse a Perseus observation performed by Hitomi from the original observation files using HEASOFT. We will perform the following steps: - Filter the data (good time intervals and grades), - Extract images, - Extract lightcurves, - Generate expected background spectra, - Extract spectra, - Generate responses and effective area files, - Fit the spectrum. This analysis involves quite a number of long commands, therefore we provide the analysis to you in the form of a Jupyter notebook. The goal of this session is to run the analysis step-by-step and be able to make changes to it if necessary. Running the notebook on Sciserver --------------------------------- Make sure that you have setup the Sciserver environment like described in :ref:`sect:software_install`. Once you have the Jupyter-lab running on your HEASOFT image on Sciserver, make sure that you start a new terminal with the (spex) terminal environment. Once you have successfully entered the (spex) environment, you can go to your own storage space in the Jupyterlab terminal (replace ```` by your user name):: (spex) idies@aaaa:~$ cd ~/workspace/Storage//persistent You can download the notebook and support files into your directory using this git command:: (spex) idies@aaaa:~/workspace/Storage//persistent$ git clone Then make the links to the Hitomi data and background files:: (spex) idies@aaaa:~/workspace/Storage//persistent$ cd xrism-hands-on (spex) idies@aaaa:~/workspace/Storage//persistent/xrism-hands-on$ ln -s /FTP/hitomi/data/obs/1/100040030 100040030 (spex) idies@aaaa:~/workspace/Storage//persistent/xrism-hands-on$ ln -s /FTP/hitomi/data/nxb_20170510 NXB And unzip the raytrace fits file in the ``products_sxs`` directory:: (spex) idies@aaaa:~/workspace/Storage//persistent/xrism-hands-on$ cd products_sxs (spex) idies@aaaa:~/workspace/Storage//persistent/xrism-hands-on/products_sxs$ gunzip raytrace_ah100040030sxs_p0px1010_ptsrc.fits.gz Running the notebook on your laptop ----------------------------------- Make sure that you have setup your laptop environment like described in :ref:`sect:software_install`. Once you have the Jupyter-lab running in the (spex) conda environment, you can start a terminal and download the notebook with support files:: (spex) user@unix:~$ git clone (spex) user@unix:~$ cd xrism-hands-on Next, we unzip the raytrace file and download the other needed files:: (spex) user@unix:~/xrism-hands-on$ cd products_sxs (spex) user@unix:~/xrism-hands-on/products_sxs$ gunzip raytrace_ah100040030sxs_p0px1010_ptsrc.fits.gz (spex) user@unix:~/xrism-hands-on/products_sxs$ cd .. (spex) user@unix:~/xrism-hands-on$ Download the HITOMI Perseus data and background files ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' In addition, you will need the Perseus data from Hitomi, which can be downloaded using (for example) the `wget` program:: wget -q -nH --no-check-certificate --cut-dirs=5 -r -l0 -c -N -np -R 'index*' -erobots=off --retr-symlinks wget -q -nH --no-check-certificate --cut-dirs=5 -r -l0 -c -N -np -R 'index*' -erobots=off --retr-symlinks The Non-X-ray Background (NXB) data can be downloaded here:: wget wget Starting jupyter notebook or jupyter lab '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' In the ``spex`` conda environment, you can start Jupyter notebook or Jupyter Lab:: (spex) user@unix:~/xrism-hands-on> jupyter notebook or:: (spex) user@unix:~/xrism-hands-on> jupyter-lab A browser will open Jupyter and there you can open `Analyze_Perseus.ipynb`.