AGN hands-on session ==================== The files for this session are available on Github again. You can download them through the terminal with the command:: user@linux:~> git clone If you are on Sciserver, it is best to change to your personal storage folder first. The files are already available on Renkulab in the ``notebooks`` folder. For the exercises below, load SPEX in your notebook in the usual way. It is best to have one notebook per exercise:: from pyspex.spex import Session s=Session() Exercise 1 ---------- Files: rgs_warm_absorber.spo combined_simu_rgs.res::"combined_simu_rgs.res","rgs_warm_absorber.spo") We have RGS data of an AGN located at z=0.017 (``'reds')``). Don’t forget to set the distance: ``s.dist(1,0.017,'z')``. The continuum is a simple powerlaw (``'pow')``) with a slope (Gamma) of 2.1. The continuum is absorbed by the cold gas in the Milky Way (``'hot')``). The temperature for this gas is 1e-6 keV and its column density is 1.45e20 cm^-2 (1.45e-4 in SPEX units). At the restframe of the source there are 3 warm absorber components (``'xabs')``) with log xi=0.51, 1.34, 2.03. The outflow velocity of the xabs component should be left free (``s.par_free(1,4,'zv')``). The RGS range goes from 7-35 Ang (=0.35-1.7 keV), so you have to ignore the energies outside this range:: s.ignore(1,1,1.E-4,7.0,'ang') s.ignore(1,1,35.0,1.E+4,'ang') Once you have listed all your components,::'reds')'pow')'hot')'xabs')'xabs')'xabs') don’t forget to relate them. The continuum and every additive (=emission) component have to be absorbed by the absorbing agents. pow xabs,xabs,xabs,red,hot Which translates in the SPEX syntax:: s.com_rel(1,2,numpy.array([4,5,6,1,3])) NB: xabs is intrinsic to the source (therefore goes to the LEFT of the redshift), while hot is local to our Galaxy (z=0), therefore goes to the RIGHT of the redshift. Now try to fit and plot the data:: s.plot_data(wave=True) What are the best fit values for the outflows? Exercise 2 ---------- Files: xrism_agn_simple.spo sxs_nn.res::"sxs_nn.res","xrism_agn_simple1.spo") XRISM-Resolve data go from 0.5 to 12 keV. We should ignore energies below and above this range:: s.ignore(1,1,1E-4,0.5,'kev') s.ignore(1,1,12.,1E+4,'kev') Also bin your data for clarity:: s.bin(1,1,0.5,12,3,'kev') We have an AGN at z=0.01 observed by XRISM. Don’t forget to set the distance!:: s.dist(1,0.01,'z') The primary spectrum is a powerlaw (pow) with reflection (refl) with a high energy cut off at 300 keV. The spectrum is absorbed by one ultrafast outflow (xabs) and of course from absorption in our Galaxy (NH=1.45e20, t=1e-6keV)::'reds')'pow')'refl')'xabs')'hot') s.com_rel(1,2,np.array([4,1,5])) s.com_rel(1,3,np.array([4,1,5])) (remember that xabs is intrinsic to the AGN, while hot is not (see exercise 1) NB: some reflection parameters should be linked to the primary powerlaw:: s.par_couple(1,3,'norm',1,2,'norm',1.) s.par_couple(1,3,'gamm',1,2,'gamm',1.) The parameters for the reflection components are:: s.par(1,3,'scal',0.5) s.par(1,3,'ecut',300) s.par(1,3,'pow',0) s.par(1,3,'disk',0) s.par(1,3,'fgr',0) All other values can be kept at the default values. When you reached the best fit check out what are the absorption lines that you see with the command:: tral = s.ascdump(1,4,'tral') tral.table.show_in_notebook() You can check what lines have the larger EW Exercise 3 ---------- Files: xrism_agn_complex sxs_nn.res::"sxs_nn.res","xrism_agn_complex1.spo") XRISM-Resolve data go from 0.5 to 12 keV. We should ignore energies below and above this range:: s.ignore(1,1,1.E-4,0.5,'kev') s.ignore(1,1,12.,1E+4,'kev') Also bin your data for clarity:: s.bin(1,1,0.5,12.,3,'kev') We have an AGN at z=0.01 observed by XRISM. Don’t forget to set the distance!:: s.dist(1,0.01,'z') The primary spectrum is a powerlaw (pow) with reflection (refl). The spectrum is absorbed by absorption in our Galaxy (NH=1.45e20 cm^-2, t=1e-6) and the same UFO as the previous exercise. However there are now 2 more absorption (xabs) components that you are free to find out.